Dad Digits
Percent of men who say they do more housework than their fathers did: 42
Percent who say they sacrifice some of their masculinity to be nurturing dads: 50
Percent of new dads who experience depression: 10
Percent of new moms who experience postpartum depression: 10 to 15
Percent of fathers who say they would pass up a promotion if it meant less family time: 72
Typical number of children conceived from one sperm donor’s deposits to California Cryobank: 12 to 15
Estimated number of children conceived in the U.S. every year from donor sperm: 30,000 to 60,000
Average amount spent on a Mother’s Day present: $140.73
Average spent on a Father’s Day present: Less than $100
Summer Snippets
Percent of pet owners who bring their dog with them on vacation: 61
Minimum age in years for first-class travel on Malasia Airlines jumbo jets, a limit created to lessen disturbances in the pricey section: 2
Minutes of reading time per day the American Camping Association is encouraging children’s camps to provide campers: 30
Number of campers who participated in 2011, most reading books donated by publishers: More than 360,000
Sources: Men’s Health, Redbook,, Brandweek, The Atlantic, The New York Times, Adweek, Prevention, Camping Magazine,