It’s easy to get used to hearing about all the things your child with special needs can’t do, but there are so many within their grasp with the right modifications and help. We spoke to various experts, parents, and even kids themselves for tips on how you can turn ‘can’t’ into ‘can.’
Yes, You Can…
Shop Together Grocery shopping with kids can be a challenge, and even more so if your child has special needs. But Caroline’s Carts, which have expanded to more than 250 stores, are making the supermarket easier for parents with special kids. Find out how to get Caroline’s Carts in your local supermarket.
See Through Your Child’s Eyes is a new, state-of-the-art website with a mission to help you find clear answers to the challenges your child with learning disabilities or attention issues may face at home, in school, and with friends.
Make a Sensory Toy Trying to find the perfect sensory toy for your child can be a struggle, so why not make a sensory toy for your child with special needs? Here is a step-by-step guide to DIY a balloon sensory toy.
Discipline Your ADHD Child All children test the limits to which they can push their parents. Children with ADD/ADHD are more prone to challenging behavior. We spoke with behavior specialist Lisa Navarra, who works with parents of children with ADD and ADHD to help them set limits and manage challenging behavior.
Throw a Birthday Bash Yes, you can throw a birthday bash for your child with special needs! Birthdays only come around once a year, so there’s pressure to get them just right. The most important thing is to involve your child in the planning process. Follow these expert tips for a successful birthday celebration.
Coordinate Your Child’s Care When you became a “special needs parent,” you unwittingly took on a new (unpaid) position as head of personnel for your child’s myriad specialists. Take a crash course in management from another SN mom with lots of experience under her belt.
Visit the Dentist with Less Stress Dentists work in an anxiety-provoking setting, so it’s no wonder many children are afraid of going. To help your child with special needs cope with his or her first time, follow this expert advice for a visit with less stress.
Take Great Photos of Your Child A professional photographer who has a son on the autism spectrum and specializes in photographing kids offers parents five tips on how to capture great photos of their own children.
Stop Apologizing for Your Child with Autism When one mom realized she didn’t owe strangers an explanation, a defense, or an apology when it came to her son’s actions, she found she helped empower her son with autism. Linda Kimpton explains helping her 7-year-old son navigate life with no apologies.
Monitor Changes in Your Child’s Diagnosis Though your special needs child may have been diagnosed in early childhood, it’s possible that after some treatment and therapy, their initial diagnosis may change over time. Check out the following tips for monitoring your child’s progress, and ensuring that they get an accurate medical assessment.
Prepare Your Daughter for Her First Period How to help your girl, whose special needs make the first menstruation experience more challenging, cope with getting her period for the first time and develop healthy habits from the beginning.
Prepare for Your Child’s Financial Future If you’re thinking of creating a special needs trust or supplemental needs trust for a loved one, first read these answers to frequently asked questions, including how to set up the trust, who can access it, and what benefits an SNT has compared to other options.
Yes, Your Child Can…
Delight in Halloween Despite the BOO!-filled nature of Halloween, your child with an anxiety disorder, sensory issues, or other special needs can find a way to partake in the holiday. Preparation is key; read tips from the experts on how to have an enjoyable Halloween.
Cook a Simple Meal Cooking with kids who have special needs such as autism, sensory issues, or learning disabilities can be challenging, but the ability to make a meal is a valuable life skill and including kids in the kitchen has many lasting benefits. Here are five tips to help those with special needs learn to cook.
Learn to Swim Water safety is crucial for all children, especially those with special needs, as drowning is the leading cause of death after a person with autism wanders from safety. We’ve gathered helpful information and tips to help children with special needs learn to swim and achieve safety and independence in the water.
Get Crafty Working on an art projects brings out creativity, eliminates distractions, and boosts confidence in children with special needs. Here are some tips to make crafting with your children successful and fun.
Celebrate His Bar Mitzvah Planning a bar or bat mitzvah is stressful for everyone, but when your child has special needs, there are more factors you need to plan for, from sensory issues to large crowds. But don’t let this deter you from celebrating your child’s mitzvah! A Long Island expert shares tips for planning a bar or bat mitzvah for your child with special needs.
Learn to Play Piano If you thought piano lessons were not an option for your child with special needs, think again. Kristyn Rushton, a residential program manager at Life’s WORC shares what to look for in a piano teacher and details about a program that was designed specifically for children with special needs.