When kids begin to play sports, parents may have worries, including how playing sports can affect a child’s growth and development. A pediatric athletic development specialist offers tips on how to know whether your child is participating in too much sports play and how playing sports at an early age can affect proper movement and development.
Playing sports at an early age is essential for proper movement and development. Dance, gymnastics, martial arts, and team sports all considered “sports.” At an early age (5 and younger), it is important to make symmetrical, non-repetitive movements. Kids make these symmetrical, non-repetitive movements in dance, gymnastics, and martial arts, for example. Making these movements are important for proper development of movement patterns. Asymmetrical and repetitive movements are an easy way for a child to overuse certain parts of their body.
As far as “too much sports play,” parents need to look out for a child who complains of any discomfort when playing sports. It’s a red flag to let parents know that there is something going on in their body that needs attention. A classic sign of overdoing sports play is if kids complain of pain, if he or she sleeps a lot during the day, or if it is apparent that the child is losing sports mechanics or technique.
Alexander Rosado, PT, PC, DPT, CSCS is a sports performance physical therapist who owns and operates Bardonia Physical Therapy and Wellness in central Rockland County, NY. Dr. Rosado practices with an appreciation for the kinetics of human development and movement. Dr. Rosado specializes in pediatric athletic development.
For more information about Dr. Alexander Rosado and/or Bardonia Physical Therapy and Wellness please visit their website www.bardoniapt.com or call (845) 507-0477.