For those feeling scared or anxious after the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, a health services company offers a free emotional support help line staffed with specially trained mental health specialists.
Optum, a health services company, is offering a free emotional support help line for people affected by the Dec. 14 tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. The help line will provide affected individuals with access to specially trained mental health specialists.
“Unexpected violence can lead to feelings of shock, grief, fear or anger,” says Andy Sekel, Ph.D., CEO of Optum’s specialty networks business. “It’s healthy to talk through these reactions with caring professionals.”
The company’s toll-free help line number, 866-342-6892, will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for as long as necessary. The service is free of charge and open to anyone. Specially trained Optum mental health specialists help people manage their stress and anxiety so they can continue to address their everyday needs. Callers may also receive referrals to community resources to help them with specific concerns, including financial and legal matters.
Along with the toll-free help line, emotional support resources and information are available online at
More Help and Resources
For more advice for parents and teachers on how to cope with the Sandy Hook shooting, including how to talk to kids about the tragedy, go to