Editor’s Note: Spring Loaded

On set with Patina Miller. Photo by Lindsay May for Classic Kids Photography

March and April in New York City aren’t always the poster months for the dawn of spring. They are just as likely to feature surprise blizzards or impromptu sleet storms as they are to offer up balmy breezes and picnic-worthy sunny afternoons. But here at New York Family, we try to look on the springy side of the season, and our March/April 2018 issue reflects that optimism.

For starters, ensure that your kids have the best Spring Break ever. Our guide to awesome April break camps is great for fams staying in the city for the school vacation period, and if you’re planning to use the week to travel, consider the wilds of Washington State. Looking towards even warmer days in the future, we’ve got great tips on choosing the right summer camp length, as well as our annual guide to the best summer programs in and around NYC.

The coming of spring also has us thinking of the joys of new life. For new and expectant parents, I invite you to enjoy our resources on shopping for baby here in the city, our selective guide to the best bottles and breast pumps, and all the latest info on the upcoming New York Baby Show, which our publication also produces.

But perhaps most exciting of all, I am thrilled to share our cover story on new mama and actress Patina Miller. Theater fans will recognize Miller as a Tony-winner for her role in “Pippin” and TV buffs know and love her as Daisy Grant on CBS’s hit primetime political drama “Madam Secretary.” Miller is fierce, fun, and focused, and our team had a blast on set with her as she killed it in some #Goals-worthy spring fashion. Don’t miss her take on work, life, motherhood, and her self-care musts (she’s all about getting in a great workout to keep herself feeling happy and healthy).

Happy Spring!
Mia Weber
Executive Editor, [email protected]