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Editor’s Note: The popular blog Momma’s Gone Cityoriginally attracted me because I appreciated how its founder, Jessica Shyba, shared a full palette of emotions and thoughts as she recorded what it was like to be a new mom in a city where she never actually expected to live. In the course of Shyba’s four years in New York, I’ve come to appreciate something else about her blog as well: her photography. For me, photos of her three young children, in their apartment or out and about in the city, are a special testament to the vast and complicated potential of an NYC childhood. When I heard Shyba’s family would soon be returning from whence they came (to that other coast), I knew I wanted to share her work with our readers as a chance for us all to see the city anew. Thankfully, she agreed. Photo after photo, her blog has brimmed with visual wonder, capturing the magical small moments of being a child and a family in our big city. –Eric Messinger, Editor: emessinger@manhattanmedia.com

To me, New York City represented a lifestyle that was perfect for the Wall Street suits and twenty-somethings with big dreams and packed wallets—complete with constant noise, chaos, and pollution. The concrete jungle was the absolute antithesis of where I wanted to be with my babies.
The city was so intimidating at first glance, yet I still felt peace in knowing it would become my family’s biggest adventure, a classroom for learning about the wider world. Our challenges were steep, but new and interesting. We gave up the relative safety, accessibility, and trunk space of our vehicles in California. Our feet were black by the end of the day and the stroller was almost always packed with groceries, diaper bags, portable potties, and scooters. We learned to navigate the metropolis by subway, buses, and occasionally the horrifyingly car-seat-less taxi cabs. With my husband at school and my mother on the other side of the country, I was left to my own devices—which I didn’t know I had until I needed to unearth them.

I began to write about our life so that our extended family could see our transformation. My blog, Momma’s Gone City, ended up blossoming into a business that has effectively changed my life forever. But my children have the greatest takeaway from NYC life. Jack is now 6, Zoe is 4, and our newest addition, Beau, is 18 months old, and they’ve been fortunate to grow up around so many different races and nationalities. Their friends speak various languages and bring to school the culture that they practice and celebrate at home. My two sons and daughter have been to Broadway shows and toured the inside of a New York City Fire Department station. Their weekends are spent in some of this country’s greatest institutions: The New York Public Library, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the American Museum of Natural History. Their summers often include soccer on the Great Lawn in Central Park.