By the end of 2010, 75% of all funds sold in at least three

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<p>Academics West is an accredited high-support college preparatory school designed to meet the academic and social-emotional goals of its students. Our unique model allows for each student to benefit from a customized educational experience to ensure they are acquiring the skills necessary to navigate their post-secondary lives whether they attend college or pursue another path to future success. Students can select different tracks to construct the most beneficial program to suit their needs and goals. Unlike conventional education, this innovative model enables students to prepare for an ever-changing world that requires young people to have advanced executive functioning, interpersonal and leadership skills to become independent and resilient adults.  </p>

Joe's Music & Dance Academy

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Private and group music lessons & dance classes for Guitar, Bass, Voice, Violin, Viola, Cello, Upright Bass, Drums, Piano, all woodwind & brass instruments, Choir, Preschool Dance, Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tap, Step, African and Modern Dance and more. Helping thousands of students begin and continue on their musical journey since 1998!</span></p>

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<p>The Schoharie Valley is home to things grown well - trees, crops, produce, people. It is filled with inviting farms and businesses beckoning visitors to experience what locals love about the region. Its enchanting vistas, rich farmland, and strong sense of community are what make Schoharie County such a fascinating place to visit and to live.</p>