Best Of The Web: June 29-July 5

Contributors: Gavriella
Mahpour and Nancy Ryerson

Here’s our weekly roundup of parenting articles that piqued
our interest. Enjoy! —

Recalling negative emotional images may in fact help you to
remember new information. Sound strange? According to new
published by Psychological Science, thinking about something
negative can actually enhance memory. (MSNBC)

Parents may now sleep more soundly knowing that new crib
safety regulations have gone into effect. The new
came as a result of an increase in the number of infant deaths
caused by unsafe cribs. (Chicago

Hot news! Teens might have to forego fake tanning this
summer. California and at least
21 other states (including NY) are considering
anyone under 18 from tanning salons. (Huffington Post)

The Providence Public School Elementary classrooms have
benefited from a Breakfast in the Classroom program, but parent reactions have
varied. Education blogger Jill Davidson writes Thirteen
Ways of Looking at a Breakfast
to in response to the diversity of feedback.
(Washington Post)

Advice: Don’t send your piano prodigy to music camp! The
case for challenging kids
with something new this summer – and getting them ready for real life. (CNN)

There are no “boys” and “girls” at a new preschool in Sweden

just gender-neutral friends
. (Global Post)

We all know about the ticking of the female biological clock – but
do men hear it, too
? (Wall Street Journal)

Alice Bradley and Eden Kennedy, authors of Let’s Panic About Babies! write a satire on choosing a
summer camp
for your child. (Let’s Panic…)

With 33 out of 50 states increasing spending on prisons, amidst decreasing dollars spent on education, one father encourages his son to stop worrying about being
cool and start acting like a nerd. (CNN)