Best of the Web: January 19

Amy Chua, the mom behind the anticipated release "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," answers readers questions about parenting and her strict household rules, over at the Wall Street Journal. (WSJ)

A new study suggests that our genes
may impact who we choose as friends, which can ultimately have an impact on later life decisions. (Fox News)

Hilarious hipster mom blogger Rebecca Woolf of the great blog Girl’s Gone Child writes about a conversation that eventually plagues all moms and women – going gray, with the help of Finslippy’s Alice Bradley. (Girls Gone Child)

Need a few new books to add to your family’s bookshelf? Here are eight great award winning children’s books to consider. (Lil Sugar)

Writer, mother and recipe developer (and contributor to our own family food blog Yummy Delicious!) Stacie Billis writes about how her young son helped her come to terms with her issues about her body and food. (

The experts at have recently unveiled their "Health Lunch Maker," which helps parents build a delicious and nutritious school lunch for kids in a few easy steps. (

Amy Corbett Storch, the advice guru at, answers a reader’s question about getting her toddler weaned off breast feeding. (