Best of the Web: February 9

Our weekly round-up of parenting news! Enjoy!

Another reason to transition your children to a
natural, unprocessed diet?
A new study posits that toddlers with large amounts
of processed food in their diet could have lower IQ levels. (Heathland)

Sue Shellenbarger at the WSJ’s blog The Juggle poses an intriguing question; how important is it to have a flexible work schedule for family needs, when compared to challenging, stimulating work? (WSJ)

Remember Valentine’s Day in middle
The Huffington Post’s Carleton Kendrick does, whose newest blog post implores parents and teachers to enforce rules about giving out cards and other gifts in the classroom. (Huffington Post)

If you’re looking for a cute Valentine’s Day gift for your little ones this February 14th, check out’s favorite tees on (mymomshops)

This looks dangerously good; one of our favorite food bloggers Smitten Kitchen shares a recipe for meatball subs with caremlized onions. Yum! (Smitten Kitchen)

In a
guest post at the Motherlode blog
, dad blogger Garrett Rice writes
about purposely making indelible memories so his young children won’t
forget them. (NY Times

If you haven’t discovered Dooce
, a 10-year old blog run by hilarious mother of two Heather Armstrong, we highly recommend it, including this hilarious post about her husband and daughter’s distaste for her new canned tuna cravings. (Dooce)