Best In Show Winner: aden & anais!

The 2012 New York Baby Show has selected aden & anais as one of the five winners of its “Best In Show” awards.

Here’s more about them: —

aden & anais Most
noted for their muslin swaddles, aden & anais has grown to include a fuller
line of baby and child products that are stylish, luxurious, practical and
affordable. Their latest invention, The Serenity Star, is a true original: a feeding
& sleep system that includes an electronic feeding diary, nightlight, sound
machine, clock and room temperature indicator, all pulled together within a
beautiful and nursery-perfect white star.

For more about all the "Best In Show" winners.

For more about the New York Baby Show.

The judges agreed that the show offered a lot of
special products and services for expectant and new parents, making the
selection of just five products for “Best In Show” a little challenging.
But there was a consensus for each of the winners.

The five judges included:

Liz Gumbinner, Publisher
& Editor-in-Chief, Cool Mom Picks;

Melissa Keswin, Senior Buyer for Kids, Gilt Groupe;

Elena Mauer, Deputy Editor, The Bump;

Eric Messinger, Editor, New York Family magazine;

Mary Ann
and Alicia Ybarbo, Today Show Senior
Producers, and co-authors of
Today’s Moms: Essentials
for Surviving Baby’s First Year,
” and the upcoming “Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting
Guide For The Rest Of Us.”