Beautiful daydreamers

Has your teen’s head been in the clouds lately? Maybe it’s spring fever. Although, if your son or daughter is graduating from high school this spring, it’s probably the more serious condition called “senioritis.” Many seniors are literally “out to lunch” once spring break commences. They’ve had enough — plain and simple. They are ready for the next stage in their lives, and they want to celebrate and enjoy.

No matter what the ailment, parents can help facilitate a successful finish to the demanding school year.


Teachers will often say that one can tell it’s the end of the year by walking past a classroom. Students are distracted and restless. They might be staring out the window instead of at the white board.

“It’s difficult for teens to focus in the spring for a number of reasons. Many teens have not yet learned how to practice adequate self care, such as good eating, sleep, and stress management habits,” says Colleen Cook, PhD, assistant dean of student life and coordinator of counseling and career and health services at Ohio Wesleyan University. “This often leaves them feeling tired and burned-out by the time spring comes around. Add in the distractions of nicer weather and outdoor activities, and it’s easy to see why teens become distracted.”

Seniors often have a worse case of spring fever than their younger counterparts. This is widely known as “senioritis.”

“Graduating seniors should find a healthy balance between enjoying their final days in high school and making healthy and safe choices,” suggests Cook.

Preventing burnout

Teens deal with pressures throughout the school year from various sources, however, they also come from within. Overachievers, in particular, can begin to experience burnout as pressures build. A little bit of pressure is not a bad thing, but too much pressure can be a detriment.

In the spring, teens tend to be out later at night due to various social events, such as spring musicals, proms, and awards nights. Sleep deprivation can increase stress levels, and a lack of sleep, coupled with time management issues, can catapult your teen into academic disaster.

“Parents should teach their teens the importance of balance and healthy lifestyle choices — healthy eating, exercise, sleep habits, and relaxation strategies,” advises Cook. “Inform them of red flags to look out for that might indicate that they are ‘out of balance,’ such as anxiety or irritability.”

If teens are aware of these issues, they will more likely remain physically and emotionally healthy.

“Parents also need to realize that teens will only take their advice seriously if they model it themselves.”

Remember to be on the lookout for more serious concerns that might present in a manner similar to burn out (i.e. depression, anxiety, and substance abuse), advises Cook. If parents suspect a more serious issue, they should contact a mental health professional.

Spring cleaning

Sometimes teens need a fresh start. Suggest a major re-haul of her desk and book bag. The mere purging of old materials, or creating new short-term goals, could be enough to get your teen back on track.

Study times may have to be rescheduled due to the demands on the calendar. If teens choose a consistent study schedule, they are more likely to stick to it. Allow time for fun after the work is done!

Lastly, if you notice your teen’s grades are slipping, communicate with her teachers before it’s too late. Classroom teachers can aid in helping your teen get back on track.

Tips and tales

“When my oldest daughter got lackadaisical, I would take her license away, so she would have to study and do her assignments in order to drive.”

William Hung, Saugerties, NY

“Give your teen something special to look forward to if he finishes well. Finishing well demonstrates perseverance and dependability — skills that are crucial when looking for a job!”Brenda Bovee, Hyde Park, NY

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Myrna Beth Haskell is a feature writer and columnist specializing in parenting issues and child and adolescent development. She is the mother of two teenagers.

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