Just in time for the mid-autumn moon celebrations, Entertainment One has released “Geronimo Stilton: Going Down to Chinatown,” a set of four animated episodes starring New Mouse City reporter Geronimo Stilton, the main character of the adventure-rich Scholastic book series, now celebrating a decade in print. Here, Stilton is on a quest to piece together a treasure map and pursue its prize all the way to Beijing. Viewers are given a taste of Chinese culture and a mouse version of Qin Shi Huang Di’s terra-cotta army, where Stilton’s bumbling cousin Trap hilariously triggers a domino effect, knocking over the priceless 2,000-year-old sculptures.
After watching, visit Manhattan’s Museum of Chinese in America, which will celebrate the mid-autumn moon on Sept. 6.
“Geronimo Stilton: Going Down to Chinatown” DVD, $12.98, www.amazon.com.