While employing a nanny can be a more flexible arrangement than other child care options, you’ll still need a plan B–nannies get sick, go on vacation, and have car, family, household emergencies like anyone else. Save yourself last-minute stress by thinking ahead. Here are smart back-up plans, from drop-in centers to nanny shares, to consider for your family. And make sure to plan before your nanny can’t make it in.
Try a local drop-in spot.
Some child care centers offer an occasional drop-in option for families whose kids don’t normally attend. Typically, no advance notice is required, but you have to be pre-registered. Check with some of your local child care centers to see which ones may offer this arrangement. Ask whether the fee is based on a membership, where you can drop in up to a certain number of times in a year, or if you only pay for the days you actually use the service.
Have another nanny on retainer (sort of).
Do you have friends who employ a nanny for their children? If so, see if that nanny might be willing to watch your kids on the days yours is unavailable. Your nanny can then return the favor. Of course, you check with your nanny to make sure she’d be okay with this—and talk to your friend—before you’re in a jam.
Work out a nanny share.
Find out if you can join another family’s nanny share, a situation where two or more families share a nanny.
Stay-at-home parents can be great.
They’re busy too, needless to say, and should not be taken for granted. But that said, if you have a close friend nearby who stays home with her kids, she’d probably be willing to help you out. Again, you’ll want to broach the subject well before your hour of need.
Ask if you can work from home.
If none of these options pan out, and the type of job you have allows for it, you could plan to work from home on those days when your nanny can’t make it. Discuss this with your boss before the time comes.