13 Days of Halloween: 18 Spooky Halloween Stories

There’s no better way to get in the Halloween spirit than with a spooky tale, but with so many great stories out there, how do you pick which ones to share with your kids? Luckily, Scholastic Storybook Adventures has recently released its Halloween Stories Collection, a compilation of 18 slightly scary tales narrated on three DVDs that are perfect for a dark Halloween night.The stories, which include favorites like "A Very Brave Witch," "The Teacher From The Black Lagoon," "Where The Wild Things Are," A Dark, Dark Tale," and more, are narrated by famous voices like Elle Fanning and Calista Flockhart. Plus, the DVD also boasts bonus features, like a read-along and interviews with author Mike Thaler and illustrator Jared
Lee. —

Plus, this just in: we have FIVE Halloween Stories Collection DVDs to give away! To participate, take a second to help us spread the word about New
York Family by inviting a bunch of your parent friends to join our
Facebook page. It’s easy–just use the "Suggest To Friends" function. If you’re not on Facebook but would like to help us spread the word
about New York Family, let some friends know about our free weekly
email newsletter, which they can sign up for at www.newyorkfamily.com.

Then write us at [email protected]. Put "Halloween Stories" in the subject
line and let us know how many parent friends you invited to multiply
your chances to win. Deadline to enter is Friday, October 22 at noon.
Good luck!

Finally, if you’ve
missed any of our inaugural Halloween Countdown blog post (we’re planning
13 before the big day) catch up here with our guide to Creative Halloween Costumes!