Learning Disabilities Chart: Diagnoses and Symptoms

Consult this chart for common learning disability diagnoses, symptoms, and examples.

Disability Area of Difficulty Symptoms include trouble with: Example
Learning Disabilities    
Dyslexia Processing language Reading, writing, and spelling Letters and words may be written or pronounced backwards 
Dyscalculia Math skills Computation, remembering math facts, concepts of time, and money Difficulty counting by 2s, 3s, and 4s
Dysgraphia Written expression Handwriting, spelling, composition Illegible handwriting, difficulty organizing ideas 
 Dyspraxia  Fine motor skills Coordination and manual dexterity Trouble with scissors, buttons, and drawing 
Information Processing Disorders       
Auditory Processing Disorder  Interpreting auditory information Language development and reading Difficulty anticipating how a speaker will end a sentence 
Visual Processing Disorder  Interpreting visual information  Reading, writing, and math Difficulty distinguishing letters like “h” and “n” 

Source: LD at a Glance: A Quick Look, National Center for Learning Disabilities



Also see: Learning Disabilities: Know Your Child’s Rights

A Parents’ Guide to Special Needs